Indian nationals constitute a major ratio in the ex-pat population of the UAE. They can be tourists, job-seekers or investors. The number of applicants that apply for Dubai visa annually is staggering. The visa application process was quite tedious until e-visa stepped in. Since then the Dubai visa application process has become quicker and easier. Online Dubai visa services are available at

The physical visa application process is painstaking. Collecting hard copies of the required documents and piling them up in a file and presenting to the immigration officer at the embassy can be tiring. The entire hard work that is invested into this does not guarantee you an approval for the visa. We understand what you go through when you learn that your visa application has been denied. And that you can re-apply only after 3 months. This is shattering and brings down the enthusiasm with which you were planning your travel.

Possibility of Visa Rejection

What next? This question becomes confusing at this stage. You might be almost midway in the process of planning your trip with things like hotel bookings, flight bookings, attraction ticket bookings and so on. Your itinerary must be taking shape and visa rejection news can spoil the entire mood. There can be many possibilities for visa rejections. So instead of bringing your spirits down, try to figure out the gaps and re-apply with corrections next time.

The moment you decide to apply for a visa to a particular country, you must understand that you are visiting the country as a tourist. There will be implications according to the travel policy and international ties between the two countries. Once you are on the foreign land you will spend money on food, accommodation, shopping, entertainment which might be taxed by that country. So you are contributing to the country’s economy by doing so.

So you are more needed to visit the country by the local authority. By buying the visa, you have already contributed to the country’s economy even before landing there. Despite all this, you need to keep in mind the following while applying for a Dubai visa:

  • Purpose of the visit should be very clear both to the applicant and the Immigration Officer. This element helps the Immigration Officer to verify relevant segments and place clear records. For eg., visiting a friend, leisure, business work, etc. The purpose of your visit shall be in sync with the type of Dubai visa applied for. You get bright chances for visa approvals if this factor is attended carefully.

  • You should check your eligibility before applying for a visa. Your nationality plays a vital role while you choose to apply for a visa.

  • Documents required for visa should be carefully studied and then uploaded while applying. Make sure you provide genuine documents or else visa denial is sure to happen.

  • Prepare well for an interview if it is required. Do not overreact or under behave during the interview. Speak only what is asked for an make sure you stick to the facts.

A travel agency can be of great help for successful visa approvals. Read to know, how.

Do visa rejections bother you? Do you find the visa application process tiring? If yes, then a travel agency can be of great help to you. There could be many reasons why your visa could not be approved. These reasons could sometimes not be clear or accessible. Little knowledge or unprofessional guidance can make you repeat mistakes and face rejections again and again.

You can increase your chances of visa approval by hiring the right travel agent. In the first attempt, you can gain visa without much hassles. Insta Dubai Visa provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to use and highly secured. The 24x7 chat support team at IDV is experienced in handling customers and their queries. They even assist applicants in filling online Dubai visa application form and help to track visa Dubai status. The team has helped many rejected applicants in earing their visa in the first attempt with IDV.
So start planning your trip and leave the visa processes to us.